Today's Music Monday post is in honor of my brother, Mark and his wife Violet who have just adopted little Abigail. Check out Violet's blog for details and lots of pictures. Congratulations to Mark, Violet and family!
This is Fernando Ortega's If You Were Mine.
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9 years ago
What a beautiful song for a beautiful little girl! Am so happy for Mark and family.
Hello Stephen,
Thanks for the honor! We are grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for blessing our home with a little girl. I am amazed how in just a short period of time, we can start to understand a little better adoption now that we are going through the process ourselves. We are thankful for our boys as well, and this little one will be as equally loved.
She is a precious reminder of how much the Lord Jesus Christ loved us and adopted us to be a part of His forever family!
Love you,
Mark Anthony
That was really sweet! :-D We loved the song and we loved the singer. I think we'll probably end up getting some of his music.
I do wish I could jump right into Abigail's mind and make up for all the pain she's been through! Since I can't do that then I will just make up with showing her Christ's love regardless of what she does We do love her dearly and she is very precious to us!
Thanks so much for the encouragement and love from all of you guys!
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